Thursday, May 20, 2004

The power of the language !!

The Queen's English, they say, is the purest and noblest of all forms - we've inherited this as a legacy of the British Raj and this is one standout example of how everything that is videshi aint bad after all :-) Though i must admit that we have done a good job of mastering it - the BPO industry is proof enough - there are still occasions when i am not so sure...The Texan drawl, the Australian twang - they are all manageable but these Mellus :-)

Me: Dinesh, if Maino comes to power i gotta leave the country mate. U know anyone abroad who can get me a job?
Dinesh: My ungle ees in the Gelff - zimbly eemeil heem n esk no
Me: ???

Me: Boss, i have no clue whos got the doc
Boss: Penguj dold me he hed it..jeg vith heem..

Me: Hey macha, lets go for this Roger Waters thingy man
Arun: Remgi, I like wonly pope muzik..No da..No da..please da..

If my pal whos jes back from Kolkatta is to be belived, then things are even funnier there.. Guess v shud all kombile a list of the Inglish we hear.. Would you like to contribute ?


Anonymous said...

Yuppiee Juppiee!
FInally had a postivieb influence on u Bugger!
But hey..Maybe you and me can get down to creatig a dictionary of Lingo..what say:-)

p.s:- Your spellings suck too!:-)..Kudos!

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Ekta said...
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Ekta said...
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Jupe said...

So much enthu to remind one of his failings - TAT'S U :-) Em all geym fer a lingo Ms long as u gimme that Mishti doi :-)

Anonymous said...
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Mansur said...

Please Ramki, or juppi or jutti or whatever you call yourself and Waters...I'm sure you were the one on the other side of that conversation saying you only like girl-bands or something like that :P...

Anyways, welcome to blogging...

Jupe said...

Hehehe.. Point taken but u forget that i didn thave the least intention to go to RW that time.. Was jes provoking him to unleash some more pearly words :-) Neway as far as my taste in music goes, ya, i dont mind girl bands esp the half clad ones but atelast i dont like Enrique.. Like.. "you know who" - ROFL !