Friday, April 22, 2005

Atchoooooooooo !!!

I seem to have this absolutely uncanny knack of falling sick just when I shouldn't. Tis all so frustrating. There is so much to do @ work but everyone else seems to have switched off today and gone into weekend mode. Of course we are having our annual Plancomm in the evening but why does the whole world have to come to a standstill for this. Here I am stuck with a splitting headache, a nasty cold and a cubicle mate who I'm beginning to realise might be related to thisuck's best friend and to make matters even worse, FF is on leave (read: no MSN), JB is on training (read: no 'moments shared' over coffee) and Strand seems to be closed. (read: replan 30 mts of Friday schedule) Clearly one of those days when nothing, absolutely nothing, seems to be going right. I just hope this bad run does not continue to the weekend esp since I have made so many plans - the movie festival @ Collective Chaos, rugby, Hitch, that one act play scripting...

Baaaaah....Life is a bitch !!

Currently reading: Sidney Sheldon - Are you afraid of the dark ?
Currently listening: Yeh lamhe - Zeher


Anonymous said...

Turn the f&^%ing volume down

Anonymous said...

hahhaha.. MY best friend dude???? :))))